The dermatologist Dr. Ellis from California issued a serious warning about the risks of popping pimples, especially those that fall into the category of cystic pimples.
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The information was shared in a TikTok video this week by Dr. Ellis, who is certified by the California board and the founder of the skincare brand Prequel Skin.
Dr. Ellis is known for using her social media to share tips, tricks, and knowledge about skin care. In the video, she explained the dangers of popping a subcutaneous cystic pimple, warning about the terrible consequences that this can lead to.
“Do not mess with pimples like these,” said Ellis, referring to a deep, red pimple on her left cheek. She described the pimple as cystic, a deep inflammation that resembles an iceberg – what we see on the surface is just a small part of the real problem.
Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne that can be difficult to treat, often requiring topical solutions, oral antibiotics, or cortisone injections, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Ellis warned that although these types of pimples may seem tempting to pop, doing so can lead to inflammation, irritation, and permanent scarring.
Moreover, squeezing cystic acne can cause infections, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. “If I can’t convince you not to pop any of your pimples, at least don’t pop the cystic ones,” advised Ellis.
The Cleveland Clinic recommends the use of a gentle facial cleanser and water-based makeup products to prevent cystic pimples. It is also advised not to sleep with makeup, to regularly wash your hair and face, and to keep your hands away from your face.
Another important point highlighted by experts is to be careful with pimples that arise in the “triangle of death” on the face, an area that goes from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Popping a pimple in this region can lead to serious facial infections due to its proximity to the brain.
Dr. Mian, another expert mentioned, explained that an infection in this area can easily spread to the brain or the eyes. Symptoms such as excessive swelling, purulent drainage, fever, eye pain, or difficulty moving the eyes should be communicated to a doctor immediately. Antibiotics may be necessary to treat the infection before it spreads to more dangerous areas.
Photos and videos: Tiktok @drsamanthaellis